Sunday, October 9, 2011

Just Getting Started

My first design post! I love design and have bursting at the seams to do design work. We had a house fire in March 2010 and one happy thing that came out of that experience was that I was able to decorate our newly built home starting from scratch. It wasn't an ideal way to begin my design career as we were traumatized and under time constraints but it was still fun none the less! As the Mom of 3 busy teenagers (well, the youngest will officially be a teenager in December) it's probably not the best time to start a new career. So, instead I thought I would start my own design blog. Even if it is never read I will have a place to put down my ideas. I believe that you do not need to spend a lot of money to make your house beautiful. I also feel that good design can give us a tiny glimpse into God's unimaginably amazing designs.